Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chunky Monkey

Evan is already 2 months old and as you can see in his picture he has grown quite a bit. He had his 2 month check up this past Friday and he is 14.5 lbs (94%) and 23.5in (64%). His pediatrician told us that he is very social as well ( I am not quite sure where he gets that from). As she examined him he had a little conversation with her, cooing and babbling at her as she talked to him. She said that having a "conversation" like that is usually something a 3-4month old does. He is so advanced:). He also got 3 shots which he did very well with. He cried just for a minute and then stopped as soon as we picked him up. I think it was worse on us than him.

He has started to smile at us too. It is so much fun to get him going and see all the great faces that he makes. His best time is definitely in the mornings. He looks around and talks to us and smiles lots. I love all his little noises.

I have also started putting him on his activity mat. He usually lasts about 10 minutes and then is ready for something else. I am hoping that as he gets older he will like it more and more.

Elway continues to be great with him. He usually sniffs him and then Evan gets a lick either on his head or hands. Tom can't wait until they can all go out hunting together. All of the nights that Tom gets Evan ready for bed I can guarantee that he will have his camo sleeper on.

This is our other new toy, the bumbo seat. He still has a little bit of a bobble head so it only works with us helping him out a little. Soon enough though he will be able to use it more. He also had his first experience in the nursery last week. I have joined MOPS which is a moms group that meet at our church. You have the option to take any infants to the meeting with you but I thought he would do just fine in the nursery, which he did. He is the youngest one out of all the kids so he got held the entire time he was in there. It was great to meet with some other moms as well.

We are in full Fall mode here in MN as well. The trees are all changing and the weather has cooled off quite a bit. We went to the apple orchard over the weekend and had a great family outing. Evan slept most of the time in the carrier but it was nice to be outside with him. We came home and had a chili dinner and I also made a homemade apple pie. I think Tom was pretty impressed too:)

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