Saturday, August 28, 2010

One Month

On the course
A Loon, which is the MN state bird.
Family Picture, Evan even looked

So Evan is now one month. Time really does fly. He is doing great, eating like a champ and definitely growing. The nights are getting better. He is only getting up twice and is going back to sleep right away which helps.

Tom had a conference for his work last week and wives were invited to attend. Since Evan was so little they told us we could bring him along as well, so we did. It was at a resort in Northern Minnesota where most of the 10,000 lakes are. It was beautiful and I am so glad we made the trip. The high temp one day was 65!! A little different than St. Louis in August. Evan did great and was the hit of the meetings, he got spoiled being held so much. We even had our first non-family babysitter so that I was able to have a break and go on a boat ride. Evan also had his first experience on the golf course, he slept through 7 holes so mom even got to play! He has become a great car rider too, he slept the entire time(5hrs) both ways. We are hoping this gets him ready for the trips to St. Louis.
We are basically unpacking to repack. Evan and I will be flying into St. Louis on Tuesday and then Tom will drive in and join us on Thursday. We are so excited to make the trip in so he can meet everyone. We have a few things planned but are planning on blocking out Saturday afternoon so that people can stop by to see him at my parents house. Tom's parents are also having an open house on Monday afternoon. Please feel free to stop by either one to meet Evan.

1 comment:

  1. Ramsay and I will definitely be stopping in to meet Evan!
